Couples Counseling

Virtual Counseling in California: Couples Counseling

Helping you in your relationship.

Relationships are hard.

Are you struggling in your relationship?

You might not be sure if you can work this problem out.

Concerned, you might need to divorce?

You know that relationships are not easy and many couples struggle.

It takes a lot of work to keep a relationship going strong. There are times when it seems that you have tried everything, and you don’t know what else to do.

You do not know how to talk to your partner anymore and wonder if this is all there is. 

There is hope for your relationship!

I have worked with many couples in your situation and there is hope. Let me help you get back to the relationship you want.

I am Kim McLaughlin, and I am a licensed counselor (27667)  in California. I work with couples to help them develop more satisfying relationships.

Ready to get started? Schedule an appointment now! 

Are you considering Divorce????


You have tried everything, and it just did not work.


Are you thinking about getting a divorce, but want to make sure you are doing the right thing?


You are having a tough time walking through the maze of the divorce process?

Sometimes, the relationship has gone it course, and your marriage is done.

If you are considering divorce or in the process of divorce, counseling can help you figure out what to do FOR YOU.

This is a tough time in your life, and I know you did not get married thinking you would get divorced. Whether you have kids or not this is the time you need to get support.

I work with people considering divorce, in the divorce process and post-divorce to help them get through this process.

My name is Kim McLaughlin, and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I help people while they are in a relationship or as they transition out of relationships (divorce or break up). I work with couples in counseling in California. 

Give me a call now to get started to figure out what you need. Call me today at 916-847-8053 or send me an email here. 

Ready to figure this out. Set an appointment NOW

Ready to start? Here is the process:

1. Let’s talk about your needs.

We meet for a 20-minute consultation to discuss your needs and goals. The best predictor of a good outcome in therapy is your belief that I am YOUR right therapist.

2. We get started.

We look to meet your needs and schedule accordingly. If you are interested in accelerated therapy, I offer Intensive Therapy Sessions over 1 or 2 days. Learn more here.

3. You feel better in your life.

We work on your goals in therapy. My goals are your goals. I work with you to determine how to achieve your goals.